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JABRA Link EHS-Adapter for GN 9120 DHSG GN 93XX PRO 94XX PRO 920 and GO 6470 for electronically accepting calls for Avaya-devices IP

Etusivu Audio, verkkokokous Jabra JABRA Link EHS-Adapter for GN 9120 DHSG GN 93XX PRO 94XX PRO 920 and GO 6470 for electronically accepting calls for Avaya-devices IP
JABRA Link EHS-Adapter for GN 9120 DHSG GN 93XX PRO 94XX PRO 920 and GO 6470 for electronically accepting calls for Avaya-devices IP (14201-20)

JABRA Link EHS-Adapter for GN 9120 DHSG GN 93XX PRO 94XX PRO 920 and GO 6470 for electronically accepting calls for Avaya-devices IP

  • Tyyppi Lisätarvikkeet
  • Melunvaimennus Ei
  • Väri Musta
57,29 €
45,65 € Hinta ALV 0%
Saatavilla arviolta 1.10.2024

Jabra LINK 14201-20

Jabra Electronic Hook Switch (EHS) is a series of adapters or electronic solutions that enable remote operation of compatible Jabra wireless headsets with various phones, thus eliminating the need for a mechanical handset lifter. As mobility within the working environment continues to increase, it is vital that employees have business tools that enable them to work efficiently regardless of location. With an EHS solution they can be where they want and still do business on the spot! Jabra wireless headsets with EHS functionality boost productivity as they provide the user with the ability to remotely answer and end a call.

  • EHS adapter that provide Electronic Hookswitch Control (EHS) for a wide range of Alcatel and Avaya phones (see Jabra compatibility overview or consult your GN Netcom sales manager or distributor for the right solution)
  • Enables users to answer and end calls from the Jabra wireless headset up to 150 meters away from their desk (wireless range depending on headset selected)
  • Can be used with the following Jabra wireless office headsets: Jabra PRO 9400, Jabra GO 6470, Jabra GN9350e, Jabra GN9120, Jabra GN9120 DUO

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