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KITRONIK MOVE Motor for the BBC micro:bit

Etusivu Maker BBC micro:bit KITRONIK MOVE Motor for the BBC micro:bit
KITRONIK MOVE Motor for the BBC micro:bit (5683)
KITRONIK MOVE Motor for the BBC micro:bit (5683)
KITRONIK MOVE Motor for the BBC micro:bit (5683)
KITRONIK MOVE Motor for the BBC micro:bit (5683)
KITRONIK MOVE Motor for the BBC micro:bit (5683)
KITRONIK MOVE Motor for the BBC micro:bit (5683)
KITRONIK MOVE Motor for the BBC micro:bit (5683)
KITRONIK MOVE Motor for the BBC micro:bit (5683)
KITRONIK MOVE Motor for the BBC micro:bit (5683)
KITRONIK MOVE Motor for the BBC micro:bit (5683)
KITRONIK MOVE Motor for the BBC micro:bit (5683)
KITRONIK MOVE Motor for the BBC micro:bit (5683)

KITRONIK MOVE Motor for the BBC micro:bit


Kitronik :MOVE -robotti BBC micrro:bitin kanssa tarjoaa hauskan ja helpon startin ohjelmoitavien robottien maailmaan. :Move on kiinnitetty kaksi kaksisuuntaista tasavirtamoottoria, joissa on nopeuden säätö. Pyörissä on kumirenkaat ja ne on helppo työntää moottorin akseleille. Aseta BBC micro:bit reiän liittimeen ja olet valmis koodaamaan. Muita kokoonpanoja ei tarvita eikä työkaluja tarvita.
  • Tyyppi DIY
77,40 €
61,67 € Hinta ALV 0%

Develop your coding skills with the Kitronik :MOVE Motor for micro:bit, a fun introduction to buggies and robotics.

The Kitronik :MOVE Motor for the BBC micro:bit provides a fun introduction to buggy robotics. More than just a programmable buggy, learning to use all of the included features will give the budding roboteer a solid grounding in robotics as a whole.

Learn about movement, how to utilise light and sound, obstacle detection and avoidance, and how to code :MOVE Motor to follow a line. When used in conjunction with the micro:bit's radio features, the possibilities are endless.

Attached to the chassis are two bi-directional DC motors with variable speed control. The wheels have rubber tyres and are a simple push-fit onto the motor shafts. Slot a BBC micro:bit into the edge connector and you are ready to code. There is no other assembly required and no tools required.

There are built-in battery holders for 4x AA batteries. This provides a regulated voltage supply to power the BBC micro:bit which is fed into the edge connector. There is also a power switch to conserve batteries when the buggy is not in use.

The micro:bit slots into the onboard edge connector. Code the micro:bit, plug it into the buggy, switch the power on, and then play.

:MOVE Motor can be coded using the Microsoft MakeCode editor. Kitronik has produced a set of custom MakeCode blocks to simplify coding the completed buggy. The booklet that comes with the buggy contains more detailed instructions on using the blocks and writing code. If you are feeling more adventurous or relish a challenge, :MOVE Motor can also be coded with Python.

Also within the booklet (that comes inside the box), are some quick tutorials to get you started. There are also additional online tutorials and step by step guides for extra projects.


  • This kit does not include a micro:bit
  • No soldering is required!
  • Minimal assembly required.


Attribute Value
Length 110mm.
Width 90mm.
Voltage Nominal 4.8 - 6V (4xAA batteries).
Motors Pins 19 and 20 (via I2C).
Audio Buzzer Pin 0 (Standard Music Pin).
Visual (4x ZIP LEDs) Pin 8.
Line Follow (IR) Pins 1 (Right) and 2 (Left).
Ultrasonic Pins 13 (Trigger) and 14 (Echo).
Servo Connections 2 on Pins 15 & 16.

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