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LEBA Leba NoteCart Unifit 36, kiinteät hyllyt

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LEBA Leba NoteCart Unifit 36, kiinteät hyllyt (NCU-24-36T-FH-SC)
LEBA Leba NoteCart Unifit 36, kiinteät hyllyt (NCU-24-36T-FH-SC)
LEBA Leba NoteCart Unifit 36, kiinteät hyllyt (NCU-24-36T-FH-SC)
LEBA Leba NoteCart Unifit 36, kiinteät hyllyt (NCU-24-36T-FH-SC)

LEBA Leba NoteCart Unifit 36, kiinteät hyllyt


NoteCart Unifit 36 on helspoti liikkuva tallennus- ja latausratkaisu 36 kannettavalle tietokoneelle. NoteCart UniFit on siirrettävä kaappi kannettavien tietokoneiden säilyttämiseen ja lataamiseen, Chromebookit ja vastaavat laitteet. *** Tarjous voimassa juhannukseen asti ***
€2 698,21
€2 149,97  ex. sales tax
In stock 7

NoteCart Unifit 36 is a mobile storage and charging solution for 36 laptops.

NoteCart UniFit is a mobile cabinet for storing and charging laptops, Chromebooks and similar devices.

Henning Larsen Architects are behind the Nordic-inspired aesthetic design of the NoteCart UniFit series, a design with rounded corners
that will fit into any environment.

The four wheels on the NoteCart UniFit series have been developed to be extremely robust at the same time as they complement the rest of the design, so that the NoteCart is easy to roll - regardless of the weight of the many laptops/Chromebooks and the type of flooring under the mobile cabinet.

During operation, all electronic parts and power adapters are stored in the locked space behind the steel cabinet so that only the person in
charge of IT has access to them. A secure cable management system ensures that the cables stay in the cabinet once they have been installed.

We offer a 5-year warranty from the date of purchase on LEBA's products with the exception of electronic
parts, on which we offer a 2-year warranty from the date of purchase.



Toimitus suoraan tehtaalta Tanskasta asiakkaalle kaikkialle Suomeen
Rahti 180-250€/vaunu, tarkistetaan tilauksen yhteydessä.

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